Monday, 27 January 2025

Either you got it, or you ain't

Counting down the days...

Sigh. Another thrilling week begins - but at least we know that this is the last one before we jet off to Spain on Saturday! Thank heavens.


In addition to Paul Newman's centenary, yesterday would marked the 80th birthdays of two remarkable women, from opposite ends of the cutural spectrum entirely (both of whom departed much too young) - the remarkable classical cellist Jacqueline du Pré, and...

...the potty-mouthed stand-up comedienne and singer from the working mens' club circuit, who [thanks to winning talent show New Faces in 1975, beating both Lenny Henry and Victoria Wood!] became a household name and national treasure, Miss Marti Caine!

As it's Tacky Music Monday, I think something from the latter (replete with her "safety gays"), rather than the former, is more appropriate to provide us with our wake-up call!

Have a good week, dear reader.


  1. Such choreography. Agnes de Mille would be jealous. Sent it fascinating how times have changed. The safety gays were so slender and androgynous.

    1. Oh, we live in very different times now. The golden age of the "star-led variety show" is dead - both sides of the pond - and replaced by "reality TV" these days [I'll say it again: "Whose reality? Not mine!"].

      Funnily enough, the Spanish still do have primetime variety shows (incomprehensible though they may be) on Saturday nights - an endless source of bewilderment whenever we've caught a glimpse of one... Jx

  2. We are not reminded of Marti Caine often enough - she was a big deal when she first arrived on our screens - one of the first stand-up female comics I remember.

    1. She was a bit of a ground-breaker all round! A sad loss. Jx

  3. She was fab and sadly taken too soon.

    1. Her death was a massive blow to the nation, and her and funeral made headline news - so many people turned out for it that they had to set up a PA system outside to relay the service to the crowds of mourners! Jx


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