Monday, 6 January 2025

Little arrows in your clothing, little arrows in your hair

It's been an absolutely foul weekend - freezing temperatures followed by slushy frozen rain and snow, followed by murk, mizzle, rain and general dankness. Now it's time to get back to work again. How lovely...

Never mind, eh? It's less than four weeks till we're fleeing to warmer climes on the Costa del Sol - so, on this Tacky Music Monday, how about something from one of our favourite combos from sunny Spain?

The lovely Las Seventies never fail to cheer us up!!

Have a good week, dear reader. Keep warm.


  1. It's got Luv's Casanova vibes about it.

  2. I remember reading a long time ago that "fleches d'amour" (the French translation of this song title and which means "love's arrow") was a term for the sores you get on your dick from the clap, I guess the implication being that Cupid had shot you in your weenie.

    1. Ouch! I wonder if either Leapy Lee or Las Seventies knew that they were singing about VD? Jx

  3. Replies
    1. Country, Western and Flamenco! Those girls are spoiling us. Jx

  4. A perfect way to cheer up a gloomy damp cold day
    Love it, love them
    4 days and 3 weeks to Spain. The count down has begun.

    1. It's me! Blogger is playing silly buggers.

    2. How bizarre. But yes, I am counting down the hours... Jx

  5. We've avoided the slushy freezing rain, but the rest of it we also have in spades. Sigh. It's so nice that you have the trip to Spain to look forward too! It keeps us northerners sane! We go to Florida every February to visit family, but I immediately feel ten times better when I walk off the plane and feel the warm gentle breeze!

    1. Sunshine feeds my soul - but, as we have often said, even if it rains when we're in Spain, it's still warmer than London! And the real joy is the longer days... Jx


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