Monday, 20 January 2025

Will it be love?*


Another delightful week begins, and I don't even feel like I have had a weekend [I have actually done bugger all - and yesterday was a complete write-off]. But hey ho! Whatever this week in work throws at us, it's less than a fortnight before we are in Spain again... on this Tacky Music Monday let's have a suitably OTT wake-up call, shall we, courtesy of one of that country's campest-of-camp "national treasures"?!

Have a good week, dear reader.

[¿Será el amor? = "Will it be love?" in English]


  1. Replies
    1. Ahem. It has been eight months since we were there..!

      We always go in February when a) everyone's sick to death of winter gloom in the UK, b) we can show off our tans to all those blue people when we get back, and c) it's dirt cheap to be there! Come and join us for a "coffee-and-brandy-and-cigarettes breakfast", why don't you? Jx

  2. I shall bask in the pictures you share when you get back from Spain!

    1. They'll inevitably be much and the same as usual - us sat in the usual bar (Palm 5), at the same table, just looking older and fatter 🤣🤣🤣. Jx

  3. I had the usual Monday, plus the added delight of every single person I spoke to pissing and moaning about the Trump inauguration.

    1. I'm glad I'm British. Despite the endless arse-dribble news coverage about the return of the buffoon, we don't actually give a shit. He's over there, not over here. Jx

  4. Spain again! It seems to come around quicker each year.
    Yes, all the Trump coverage was nauseating. Had to wait 25 minutes for any UK news, or so it felt.

    1. The British media always seems think that just because they are interested in the minutiae of US politics, that the viewing/listening public will be too. Yawn. Jx


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