Saturday, 11 January 2025

Of Iris, Mary Poppins and bananas

It's another snippets post, dear reader...

And the weather? Bloody freezing! It was the coldest night in the UK for fifteen years last night. Every pot in the garden is frozen solid. Sigh.


  1. We're burning to the ground and dry as a bone and y'all are freezing yer tits off! Who the fuck thinks climate change isn't real??? xoxo

    1. We are in the UK. We don't have "climate". We have "weather". 'Twas ever thus... Jx

  2. I'm with Savvy! Here, we are used to summer storms, but the Hg seems to be climbing higher and higher.

    1. How we write Mercury, because some of us can't spell hydrargyrum, even when sober. Apparently it means quick silver. I called it something much worse when a small bottle dropped on my foot!

    2. Get you, Bamber Gascoine! Jx

  3. Replies
    1. It will be interesting - as every year - to see just what has survived this big freeze! We usually lose a few plants - but hey ho, that's what garden centres are for... Jx

  4. Eating Christmas trees! Are there dumb shits over there that need to be reminded??? We have farm here, where one can take the trees. the farmers shed the greens off for sheep and goats. And many firewood companies here will pick them up free of charge.

    I have already perused the lot offering last week for the Iris Apfel auction. The bidding starts in 18 days. I plan to bid on a lot of pendants that caught my eye. I doubt I will get them. But wouldn't it be nice!!!!

    1. Ooh! Good luck with that bid - let's hope you win! Jx

  5. I was bemused by the plate of bananas - I hope they do a follow up story. Maybe there is a gorilla on the loose, or something?
    It's not been so cold here - but Dartmoor in the distance had a thick layer of snow.

    1. The famous "Gorillas of Beeston"! It has a ring to it...

      The West Country usually escapes the worst of any frosts the UK gets. You have the next wave of rain to look forward to, though. Lovely. Jx

  6. I just read a fab book by Iris Apfel, "Colorful: Inspiration, Influences, and Ideas for a Vibrant Life" (published 2024.) No advice though in its pages on what to do about mysterious bananas.

    1. Coat them in resin and wear them, obviously! Jx

    2. Some people thought Iris was ridiculous, but I loved her for being herself. I wish I were more daring, not that I actually have a desire to wear quite that much stuff around my neck and on my arms. Mary Poppins should stay! Eat your Christmas trees, but no, they're not good for you? I have an artificial tree. I'd rather not dine on it.


    3. Janie - we thought Iris was utterly wonderful. Any lady whose attitude on life is "more is more" has our vote! Jx

    4. Thank you, Dinah 😀. Jx

  7. Replies
    1. Strangely, I can imagine her actually doing it..! Jx

  8. It would be lovely to have a few of Iris's beads.
    Every one in the Kensington & Chelsea Council should have a personality implant
    but above all we need to know the secret of the Banana Mystery.

    1. Maybe we should join Maddie in bidding for a job lot of outsize beads in the Iris auction! Jx


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