Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Kung Hei Fat Choi!

Happy Chinese New Year, dear reader!

It's the Year of the Trousersnake Snake (oo-er) in 2025, so, by way of a celebration, here are some suitably-themed numbers, for your delectation:

Oh! And then there's this charming little ditty that I remember from when I was in school...

My friend Billy had a ten foot willy.
He showed it to the girl next door.
She thought it was a snake,
And hit it with a rake,
And now it's only six foot four.


Don't choke on your Nian gao, dears!


  1. As a cock, or should I say Rooster....they don't get along with snakes. But mind you, I have very good relations with the trouser snake.

    1. I might have guessed you would have been born in the Year of the Cock, dear - it's been every year since..! Jx

  2. Well, there goes me trouser snake joke.

  3. I’ve never heard your school years ditty.

    1. Obviously it didn't cross the Atlantic... Jx

  4. Down in Chinatown the year of the cock...

    Yes I remember that poem (pronounced perm) from school too, I think it's one of Pam Ayers.

    1. I looked on the interwebs, and apparently some sources say it dates back to the 1950s (a bit before Pam Ayres' time). Like so many of these things - like skipping, tag or ball-to-the-wall chants [I remember one that went "Eggy-Peggy broke my leggy/Where by?/The white gate/What for?/A pair of stockings/What colour?/Yellow!" (or any other colour, shouted)], they spread by word-of-mouth up and down the country. How is a mystery - long before mobile phones or the internet. Jx

  5. I don't remember Eggy-Peggy but I do remember John and Mary.

    John and Mary in the Dairy John pulled out his long and hairy, Mary said, what a whopper, lets go home and do it proper.

    Who's going to be 'it'?

    Dib Dib Dib. There's a party on the hill would you like to come? Bring your own cup and saucer and your own cream bun...Can't afford it.

    1. I can see you now, in your gingham school uniform, skipping... Jx

  6. Kung Hei Fat Choi!
    Perhaps we will pick up a Chinese in Spain.

    1. In neither sense of the word did we manage that, dear... Jx


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