Wednesday 6 November 2019

Fit Bits?

We know the difference between wanking and running, fitness trackers confirm
A manufacturer of leading fitness trackers has confirmed the product does not confuse going for a run and having one off the wrist.

FitBit has released a statement informing users that the arm movements are distinctly different so no, you cannot toss off and get your steps in.

A spokesperson said: “The motions are similar, yes. And movement of the hand or wrist in a repetitive motion, linear or circular, will score you a few. But we know.

“You’re not only cheating yourself, you’re giving us a perfect 3D model of your wanking habits and an annual frequency graph. We’ve got all the data, it’s not pretty.

“Everyone does it but, Graham of Bournemouth, eight times in a day is too many.

“And we’ve just been bought by Google. Prepare for your targeted ads to get really uncomfortably specific.”
The Daily Mash

Of course.


  1. I knew Graham years ago. Can't believe he's still at it.

    1. He has a very fit wrist for his age. Jx

  2. hahaha! I don't know whether this link will "let you in", but it follow's today's theme.

    1. "I do what the fuck I want."

      Indeed. Jx


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