Monday, 4 November 2019

Una bandada de palomas

As if the arrival of yet another Monday weren't enough to make me scream, on this Tacky Music Monday we also have a giant scary pigeon to contend with...

I'm not sure what's the scariest thing about that video - the Paloma Monster, the silver lurex bell-bottoms, or the safety gays' dance routine.

Have a great week, dear reader. Don't have nightmares!


  1. I quite enjoyed that, imagine all those hairy thatches on those 70's blokes.

  2. Oh my dear god!!! That gets worse the longer you watch. And they’d never get away with that now with the poor doves! And you’re right, impossible to say what is the scariest part.

    1. If anyone wanted a prime example of just what the 70s was all about, they'd need look no further... Jx


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