Friday 22 November 2019

Infected with restless whispers and cheats

Whew. The weekend is almost here - and it's time once again to get ourselves in the mood for a party!

It's amazing what little-remembered-but-brilliant choons one uncovers when trawling through old blog posts (making repairs) - and here, from five years ago, is just one of them...

...take it away, Miss Mary J Blige - and Thank Disco It's Friday!

I've been infected with restless whispers and cheats
They're manifested in words and the lies that you speak
I've been infected with restless whispers and cheats
They're manifested in words and the lies that you speak
I've been infected with restless whispers and cheats
They're manifested in words and the lies that you speak
I've been infected with restless whispers and cheats
They're manifested in words and the lies that you speak

Because I played the fool for you
Because I played the fool for you
Because I played the fool for you
Because I played the fool for you
Because I played
Because I played
Because I
Because I

Love it!

Have a great weekend, dear reader.


  1. Well, I always knew Morticia had it but Lurch finally caught the beat.

  2. I can't believe that lurch dances better than I don

    1. He dances better than a number of people I've see in clubs over the years... Jx

  3. Where did this come from? I've never heard it, but like it very much.

    1. It was something I discovered courtesy of a now-demised blog called "The Lisp" back in 2014, and went wild for... Jx

  4. Love this track
    cant believe it was back in 2014


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