Sunday 10 November 2019

Totty of the Day

Happy 30th birthday today to the lovely Taron Egerton, who was so fabulous as Elton John in Rocketman [the main event at our most recent "Film Club"] - he should get the Oscar for his performance, in our opinion...

He's Welsh, you know! [His first name is a variation of taran, which means "thunder" in Cymraeg.]

Taron David Egerton (born 10th November 1989)


  1. I have to see the Elton John movie. Is Taron shirtless in that? If so, is the movie still playing? If not, I need to subscribe to Netflix.

    1. Darling - he gets fucked by Richard Madden in it. You need to see this film... Jx

  2. Oh yes darling. I have long adored him. He could get me to bend over and touch me toes.

  3. spouse and I did see "rocketman" - and yes, taron IS a hunka burning luv! but only 30...such a young man!

  4. Replies
    1. "When are you gonna come down? When are you going to land?"

      I'm sure you can get a knock-off DVD from one of the "lookey-lookey" men down the Paseo...



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