Friday, 2 October 2020

This time, this void

COVID-19 has asked President Trump if he still thinks it is ‘just the flu’ that ‘will vanish on its own’ now.

The virus, which has infected the president and first lady Melania Trump, hopes that the couple can hear it saying "Now who’s the fake news, dickheads?" from inside their bloodstreams.

It continued: “Remember saying ‘One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear?’. You’d better f**king hope so, huh?

“Sorry to get all attacking your lungs and breathing capacity about this, but sometimes you need to make your point in person. When you’ve been insulted.

“What’s that I see fussing around your fat, old coronavirus-infected body? Doctors? But I thought you were a natural born medical genius. What do you need them for? Can’t cure me yourself?

“Who’s not worth wearing a mask for now? Who’s not worth cancelling your rallies for now? Who’s not afraid of coronavirus now, bitch?

“Man this feels good. Hope I don’t get carried away.”

The Daily Mash

Of course.

If anything [else] is going to get us into the mood for a party, despite the apocalyptic rain and gales enveloping us the the moment, it is this [highly appropriate, in light of the news] number...

...Thank Disco It's Friday!

This time, this void
I'm making my way through the muddy minutes
The pull is in my muscle
The ache is in my bones
It's hard to be alone
Breathe, breathe, it won't be long now, breathe, breathe
It won't be long now, breathe, breathe
It won't be long now, breathe, breathe

Have a great weekend, peeps!


  1. Loving this current reap/sew stage we're in!

    1. This will get interesting, mark my words... Jx

  2. I think Ill send this to the trumps, while there in quarantine.

    1. Breathe, breathe, it won't be long now.

      The perfect song for being on a respirator.


  3. Replies
    1. Bleach orange and you end up with... apricot-coloured President! Even more yukky than at present. Jx

  4. I too was wondering if Trump was using his recommended bleach treatment. Anyhow, I think he's getting away with it - can't have it that badly if he's taking car trips from the hospital and waving at his followers as though he were the Queen.

    1. ...and infecting his entire retinue in that car in the process. Jx


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