Sunday, 17 January 2021

They say you're as old as you feel...

It's "Betty White Day" again!

Our favourite role model and Patron Saint blows out [if she has the puff] 99 candles on her cake today.

Remarkably, she has chalked up 82 years on screen, and remains the holder in the Guinness Book of Records of the title “Longest TV Career for an Entertainer (Female)” in the world!

Let's hand over to the lady herself for some words of wisdom...

All hail, Betty Marion White Ludden (born 17th January 1922)!


  1. Please can I be Betty's friend?! I really must get a pool...

  2. Oh, thank gods! At first glance of the little picture in my sideboard, I thought this post was about Linda La Hughes!

    It's a few years off, but perhaps feeling 50 won't be so bad after all...

    1. Ha ha - not sure whether Betty White would treat that as a compliment or not!

      "Maybe it's true that life begins at fifty. But everything else starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out.! - Phyllis Diller


  3. Instead of doing a Sex and the City movie without Samantha they should do a Golden Girls movie that's just Rose wondering where the other three are.

    1. Apart from the fact that that might cruelly imply that she had dementia, what would the theme tune be? "Thank You For Seeing A Ghost"? Jx

  4. You don't need to imply the other three have died, just that none of them have come out of their bedrooms for whatever reason

  5. Replies
    1. We all keep our fingers crossed she reaches her centenary! Jx


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