Gosh. Very sad news - the utterly gorgeous Nick Kamen, the model whose looks caught the eye of fashionistas, magazine photographers, the tabloids and Our Glorious Leader Madonna alike, has died, aged just 59, after "a long illness".
If for nothing else, THIS was his moment of glory - possibly the first time an entire nation was captivated by a man stripping to his nick-nacks during primetime TV...
He had a modicum of chart success subsequently, mainly thanks to the largesse of the aforementioned Queen Madge. She did, after all, gift him this "leftover" song from her True Blue sessions - and she even sang backing vocals!
A sad loss to "totty-dom".
RIP, Nick Kamen (born Ivor Neville Kamen, 15th April 1962 – 4th May 2021)
As Matt Lucas said today: "If you didn't have a crush on Nick Kamen in the 80s, you probably weren't there."
Oh my. I remember the ad, if not the song, which says something about each of them. Although I never knew who the model in the scandalous ad was, I certainly had a crush on him.
ReplyDeleteIt's not really surprising - he was gorgeous. Shame the song never made it big Stateside; it's not a bad effort in my opinion. Jx
DeleteI always thought he looked like a young Elvis Presley.
ReplyDeleteSexier than Elvis! Jx
DeletePS He was of mixed Burmese, Irish, Dutch and English heritage, apparently...
That song is terribly pedestrian, but his look is not. Very striking and of the time. Thanks for the trip in the memory machine. He did nothing for me at the time and that still holds true... but 59? That's much too young. RIP.
ReplyDeleteHis was "The Face of 1986"! [Or was it his tighty-whiteys?]
DeleteThe song was exactly right for the period, too. It fitted in well with the likes of Alexander O'Neal, Janet, Five Star, Jaki Graham and their ilk. Jx
I was too young for pretty much everything in the 1980's until David Bowie gave me funny feelings thanks to his performance as Jareth in the Labyrinth (in 1986) with those oh so tight pants. I don't think I'll ever miss any entertainer as much as him. I could never be jealous of Iman though, she's a goddess.
DeleteI'd guess that by now you will have read all 53 posts I have published here about Mr Bowie..? Jx
Should there ever be an occasion where we disagree, we can always re-bond over Bowie!
DeleteOh, I think I can safely say anyone who adores David Bowie is a kindred spirit! Jx
DeletePS I forgot to count the fifteen posts over at my other blog the Museum of Camp...
Yes, I was very sad to read about Nick Kamen - such a beautiful face; I probably still own pairs of Levi's because of him!
He single-handedly saved the company's UK sales - they went up 800% after this ad was first shown. It also influenced a massive boom in sales of boxer shorts.
DeleteA lucrative, as well as beautiful face... Jx
Very sad, Sorry to hear that he was so ill for so long.
ReplyDeleteIt was sad, indeed. His brother also died young - he was only 52. Jx