Tuesday 25 May 2021

A Public Service Announcement...


  1. Oh bloody hell! Now you tell me? And where do I hide?

    I sure hope they enjoyed themselves watching me. And to set the record straight, I only borrowed that tiara...I returned it three days later.

    1. You know you're not supposed to wear it as a cock-ring, don't you?

      Oh! You and your "lewd behaviour"... Jx

  2. Has masturbation ever been a crime anywhere? I'm sure it has, very hard to police though

    1. If the fucking god-botherers had their way it would.

      There was actually an "anti-masturbation bill" that went through the legislative process in - yes! - Texas [the land of insane Trump acolytes]. However, it was in fact a satirical piece of "legislation" proposed by way of a protest to highlight the idiocy and bigotry of that state's anti-abortion politicians. Jx

    2. I swear...anything and everything that is enjoyable is a crime in Texas. I despise that state.

  3. Huh. That same sign was posted in the house I grew up in. Feels like home.

  4. Crikey, some people like to take the fun out of everything.

    1. I know - if we can't disturb the peace any more, whatever next? Jx

  5. I think the first time I heard the word "masturbate" was when someone said we should masturbate our food 31 (funny number!) times. I looked it up in a dictionary, guessing at the spelling. So I asked my mother what the word was for chewing food.She told me.
    I wonder what she'd have said had I rephrased that!

    OK, that was funny, but jesus! what ghastly laws we've passed!

  6. Ah yes, never did I do more acting or modeling in my life than to pretend to be a gay man's girlfriend on emergency call! Landlord getting suspicious? No problem!
    We'll pound that dough and make some bread! Someone might have to complain about apartment 2B and his "ladyfriend" with all that repetitive pounding and moaning!

    1. I imagine the bread was all that rose... Jx


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