Friday 21 May 2021

I got passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it

Another weekend looms - and we have a Zoom call with Mother this evening and the frenetic Eurovision Song Contest final tomorrow to look forward to.

Meanwhile, the weather continues on its shitty trajectory. Almost the end of May...and it's SLEETING out there. Harrumph.

To take our mind off it, let's wallow in some gratuitous totty photos, for - sharing the celebrations as he does with a motley crew that includes Ronald Isley (who is 80), Leo Sayer, Albrecht Dürer, Kay Kendall, Robert Montgomery, Judge Reinhold, Fats Waller, Gotye, Harold Robbins, Noel Fielding, Mutya Buena and Raymond Burr...'s my ultimate sex god Tom Daley's birthday today!!

And, to take our minds off the cold and gloom, here he is to wiggle his tush for our viewing pleasure - Thank Disco (and Speedos) It's Friday!

Have a good weekend, dear chums!


  1. Sleeting??!?!?!?!?! Goodness, we're heading toward the high 80's almost 90 on Saturday! Now I must lady like remove myself from the room...those pictures and my fantasies of young Tom have had quite the effect.....

    1. Off to the fainting chaise with you, madam!

      I don't think we're going to see 80F for quite a long while yet. The garden's in a complete sulk, too, so no great flush of blooms as we might expect in what would have been Chelsea Flower Show weekend... Jx

  2. I like a man with "passion in his pants".

    1. I'd like to find the passion in Tom's pants! Jx

  3. He's all yours my dear! I like them more rugged. Adam Driver is as young as I go. Everyone else feels illegal just for looking at them too long. Ha,ha,ha I guess I still have some good ol' puritan prudish tendencies left in me after all.

    1. I had to look up Adam Driver. What an odd-looking boy!

      One less in the queue for Tom... Jx

    2. "I had to look up Adam Driver..." I'm not sure whether that's a euphemism or wishful thinking!

  4. Replies
    1. At least you know what to get me for my next birthday! Jx

  5. ADORE LEO SAYER. You should have posted cute sexy classic photos of him! I know he looks a bit like a troll doll these days, but I just adore his music. I think I have his every album... even that Japan only release. He also re-issued his albums on CD with little interviews at the end of each discussing the making of the album. Anyhoo... we have crap weather here, too. So no prairie time. Just gloom and doom overhead. Enjoy Eurovision. Very jell. Would be a great lark to sit with a glass or two and take in the spectacle. Kizzes.

    1. The very thought of Leo Sayer in Speedos has brought a little sick to the back of my throat. Jx


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