Sunday 27 June 2021

Cloves and mint?*

A glimpse up my back passage.

The promised sunshine never really materialised on this "non-Pride" weekend - it was very intermittent indeed yesterday, and grey and gloomy today - but regardless we were still out there doing some more pottering in the extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers...

Our thoughts and dreams in such circumstances inevitably turn to exotic music in far-off climes, and fortuitously - thanks, believe it or not, to BBC Radio 3 (primarily the home of classical music on the Beeb) - I have a fab new discovery to share with you, dear reader!

Ayom (for it is they) describe themselves as "a multicultural band, made up of six members from Angola, Brazil, Greece and Italy with Brazilian singer and percussionist Jabu Morales centre stage", and they're fab...



[*Cravo e menta = "cloves and mint" in Portuguese.]


  1. Nice find, Jon! And the garden is looking good.

    1. I love a bit of Latin lounge music.

      The garden's coming along leaps and bounds - plants love warm, muggy murk even if we don't. Jx

  2. Oh, Jon, what a lovely photo of your back passage! The light and focus on the furthest geraniums, with the background slightly blurred, is delightful!

  3. Perfect music to sit in the sunshine drinking red wine and wait for the stars to shine ( If only ... )

    1. I know - there haven't really been many opportunities for outside evening drinkies in the garden this year, lounge-music-accompanied or otherwise. Jx


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