Wednesday 16 June 2021

Film Night...

...courtesy of the ever-fabulous Viz magazine!


  1. I LOVE VIZ!!! I had a subscription for, damn, about ten years, in fact! I would laugh so hard at that magazine that I'd have tears running down my face, and my absolute favorites were San and Tray, The Fat Slags! The same artist did the UK version of Dennis the Menace, if I'm not mistaken; I had a couple of those too. They used to carry this on the news stand in Bellingham, which is a college town, which is where I discovered Viz. But all things must pass. I gave my collection away to a homesick Brit we used to know. I still have my copy of Roger Mellie's Profanasaurus, though! Can't go through a day without referring to that!

    1. I used to be an avid reader of Viz, too, and even stumbling across excerpts such as these here and there on the interwebs still makes me hoot! Jx

  2. I so wanted that first one to be a real thing. :( And the third one, too. Way to get my hopes up. They're phonies. Nothing but a bunch of phonies. Kizzes.

    1. Who knows? - one day it might all come true! [Hopefully better than the previous adaptation, of course.] Jx

  3. "Full English Breakfast..." Not quite Hepburn nibbling a croissant!

  4. Very clever, love it.
    But now I have those images running in my head !

    1. Makes you wonder what other classics they could adapt - "Gone With The Slags", "West Side Slags", "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Slags", perhaps? Jx


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