Wednesday 6 October 2021

Classical bitchery

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I found this quite fun - who knew how catty all these great composers could be about each other?

  • "He has lovely moments but awful quarters of an hour." - Rossini on Wagner
  • "After Rossini dies, who will there be to promote his music?” - Wagner on Rossini
  • “A composer for one right hand.” - Wagner on Chopin
  • "He composes by splashing his pen over the manuscript and leaving the issue to chance." - Chopin on Berlioz
  • “A regular freak, without a vestige of talent.” - Mendelssohn on Berlioz
  • “A tub of pork and beer.” - Berlioz on Handel
  • “He’d be better off shovelling snow than scribbling on manuscript paper.” - Richard Strauss on Schoenberg
  • "He is no longer of any interest to me, and whatever I may have learned from him, I am thankful to say I misunderstood." - Schoenberg on Strauss
  • "Such an astounding lack of talent has never before been united to such pretentiousness." - Tchaikovsky on Strauss
  • "He can’t compose a single note without someone’s help.” - Tchaikovsky on Borodin
  • ""What a giftless bastard! It annoys me that this self-inflated mediocrity is hailed as a genius." - Tchaikovsky on Brahms
  • “Hygienic, but unexciting.” - Liszt on Brahms
  • “Why is it that whenever I hear a piece of music I don't like, it's always by Villa-Lobos?” - Stravinsky on Villa-Lobos
  • "Bach on the wrong notes." - Prokofiev on Stravinsky
  • “He wrote marvellous operas but dreadful music.” - Shostakovich on Puccini
  • "A man of great talent who lacks the essential quality that makes great masters." - Bizet on Verdi
  • "A very tolerable imitation of a composer.” - Vaughan Williams on Mahler
  • “If he'd been making shell-cases during the war it might have been better for music.” - Ravel on Saint-Saëns

Composers in the collage:

First row - Antonio Vivaldi, Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Friedrich Händel, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven;
Second row - Gioachino Rossini, Felix Mendelssohn, Frédéric Chopin, Richard Wagner, Giuseppe Verdi;
Third row - Johann Strauss II, Johannes Brahms, Georges Bizet, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Antonín Dvořák;
Fourth row - Edvard Grieg, Edward Elgar, Sergei Rachmaninoff, George Gershwin, Aram Khachaturian


  1. Such classical shade! Who knew? I love it. Thanks for finding these and sharing. Seeing them stacked up on top of one another like that? So much fun. And such an interesting take on our classical composers. Bravo!

  2. Tchaikovsky was quite the bitch! "Such an astounding lack of talent has never before been united to such pretentiousness" is my favourite!

    1. I could use that phrase to describe many people in places I have worked over the years. I'll try and sneak it into conversation at my next team meeting. Jx

  3. I was going to be a wee bit catty, too...and then I remembered I'm not a composer. (But if I was I'd RUBBISH Phillipbloodyglass!!!!!)

    1. Oh, but I do adore this - and then there is the sublime mash-up, too... Jx

  4. I wonder what they would have made of

    1. Cue a flurry of spittle and powdered wigs... Jx


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