Monday, 11 October 2021

Summertime? Special?

Here we go again. No sooner was I getting used to the balmy air we've had this weekend - and making plans for bulb-and-wallflower planting for Spring - then, clang! It's Monday again.

By way of a pick-me-up, here's a hilarious dance routine - that I stumbled across while searching for something completely different - which I immediately knew would be perfect for a Tacky Music Monday!

I think my instincts were correct.

Have a good week, dear reader.


  1. I think I prefer the Matt Bianco version!
    Blimey, Summertime Special - the TV version of Butlins.

    1. I was struggling to recall whose song that was originally - thank you, Ms Scarlet!

      Summertime (and Seaside) Special was indeed a cheap-and-tacky show, as I recall... Jx

  2. Ra-ra skirt or no ra-ra skirt, if I lived there I'd be banging on the window telling them all to bugger off.

    1. Those boys need no excuse for buggering. Off, or otherwise. Jx

  3. Yes, Sunday was a particularly nice day - I even had a swim in the sea! And then it was Monday... Brrrr!

    I expect those dancers were flinging themselves around like that to keep warm as it didn't look particularly balmy whenever they filmed that.

  4. Not so much dancing as 'tossing,' but then... we could all use a good tossing every now and then? You, Sir? Kizzes.

    1. Ditch the girls in ra-ra skirts and there would be a good old tossing party, of that I have no doubt. Jx


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