Monday 31 October 2022

You better stop the things you do

Monday and Hallowe'en, "The Season of the Bitch" - I mean "Witch" - what an appropriate combination of horrors.

To cheer us all up on this Witchin' Tacky Music Monday, how about an unusual treatment of a familiar standard, that fits the day nicely?

Have a good week, dear reader.


For my dear sister.

It's tradtional.

Hee hee!


  1. Boy, I feel for that Count Yorga... you have no idea how many of my Grindr hook-ups end the same way.

    P.S. Broken Peaches are TERRIBLE, Muriel.

    1. Well, I felt TERRIBLE that I had replied to everyone else's comments except yours. So, until Jon arrives, you'll have to put up with me. (I'm sure he'll be along shortly, though)

    2. Quite the hubbub in here while my back was turned (by work, I might add)!

      Count Yorga has a certain way with men... but I rather like the Broken Peaches. Jx

  2. That sign in the first photo belongs on Mr. DeVice's front door.

  3. I will be looking out for Mr Devine flying tonight.
    So long as he doesn't take the form of a bat, fly around my bedroom, and wake me up in the middle of the night like he did last week. My loft hatch is now well sealed.

    1. You've sealed your hatch? In that case, there's very little point in me going through the whole transmogrification rigmarole. I'm going to retire early with a gin or twelve instead, then.

    2. This just reminds me of Fawlty Towers ("Mrs Richards"): "If you give us any more trouble I shall visit you in the small hours and put a bat up your nightdress!". Jx

      PS What with Maddie's portal and Ms Scarlet's hatch, my blogs are becoming a den of filth. GOOD!

    3. I kept thinking of that line from Basil, but wasn't sure that Ms Scarlet would appreciate me flying around under her nightdress.

  4. I just a adore the band broken Peach! I could have seen them performing for the terrifying triffid show.

    1. Funnily enough, Maddie, I have just updated the Terrifying Triffidery post with Sonique's "I Put A Spell On You" thanks to this reminder from Jon.

    2. I'm rapidly becoming not just "The Official Plant Spotter" but also the "Musical Director" at Hexenhäusli DeVice, it seems... Jx

    3. Oh, dear... Does this mean you'll be wanting a salary?

  5. Broken Peach is peachy. Count Yorga is the weirdest murderess vampire I’ve ever seen. I never knew vampires strangled people and then didn’t suck their blood. Also, he sure had an odd way of running ,., for a vampire.

    1. I expect he probably did suck something during his nocturnal adventures! Jx

  6. Tradition, Tradition!
    I can hear your sister screaming in terror watching that.

    1. Me too!
      {{twirls moustache in a dastardly manner}}



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