Sunday 21 July 2019

Upside down you turn me

Our very lovely Fuchsia Lady Isobel Barnett.

As is our wont, it's a bit of a laid-back day here at Dolores Delargo Towers - a bit of pottering in the garden, and non-stop Radio 2...

It also happens to be the birthday today of the faboo Miss Paloma Faith, which gives us a perfect excuse to play one of her jolliest numbers; most appropriate for the mood:

However, while seeking out this choon, I also found this version - which is equally splendid!

Oh, how I spoil you bitches...


  1. Replies
    1. You're welcome. Jx

      PS For what in particular, btw..?

  2. * gasps *

    I can see right up Lady Isobel's skirts!

    1. Who knew she was hiding something that pink up there? Jx

  3. Love Lady Isobel Barnett
    Love Paloma Faith
    adore the Amanda Castro Band


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