Saturday 20 July 2019

Why ask for the moon..?

We took a little trip out to the northern edge of London today - and not, for a change, to the "horticultural mile" of Crews Hill - to the grandiose pile that is now Capel Manor College, an agricultural campus with renowned gardens open to the public. Our pretext was to visit the Enfield Fuchsia Show - and, to be honest, we can truly say every one of our current collection of 33 varieties is more impressive than most of the prize-winners on show.

Regardless, the trip was definitely worth it, just to wallow in the beauty of the 30-acre site and its sixty different gardens/plots - everything from shady, woodland and wildlife gardens to formal, Italianate and Japanese styles, to meadow, sensory, and prairie-style planting. Wow.

That's the day sorted. However, continuing the 50th anniversary celebrations of the first moon landings, it is to the night we turn for even more sensory delectation - in the company of Miss Anna Netrebko and Mr Antonín Dvořák:



  1. Ah...thank you for choosing Rusalka and not some of the moon-matter flooding the ether.
    33 fuchsias? I'm sure you could find more!

    1. Some of the "tribute" events are corny beyond belief. Dvořák is much more appropriate and tasteful than, say, a concert with Pharrell Williams...

      At our last place, we amassed a collection of fifty-one fuchsias. Every one of them went in the bin when we moved(!), mainly because we didn't want to transport the dreaded fuchsia gall mite with us. We replaced our favourites when we arrived here, and of course added to the collection again this year. However the "wish-list" for new ones is growing... Jx

  2. SIXTY different garden plots? How could you choose? it would send me into some kind of horticultural overload.

    1. There was loads to be inspired by among the sixty plots, but mainly it made for a beautiful day out... Jx

  3. How marvellous. Did you get to see all sixty?

    "Song of the Moon" is quite Heavenly!

    1. Lord only knows - we lost count! It's all very lovely, though - and Mr Dvorak is the perfect accompaniment. Jx


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