'Tis bizarre. I pay very little attention these days to discovering "newer music" - it used to be quite a regular feature on this here blog - then suddenly three notable "earworms" hove into my consciousness. All courtesy of BBC Radio 2, d'accord.
Each of them shares something in common, however (and this could probably explain why they caught my ear) - they all hark back to the sounds of my "heyday" in the 1970s and 80s...
[I deliberately chose not to post the official video for this, as it's far too gory for the tastes of a refined Lady of the Parish]
[Yes, I know her "Aguilera-lite" voice grates on the nerves a bit, but I love the song]
[Please excuse the rap - they can't help themselves these days]
Much like yourself I tend to mark back to classic singers and crooners, lounge and club music...and i do like some new music. I can't help Rihanna...buy her music makes me dance. Now these three...the second and really loved. The third is begging me to do a drag number in that silver dress. I didn't even mind the rap...it was done as softly as possible I guess. No...its good to stay current on things...as long as I can hark back 85% per cent of the time.
ReplyDeleteHear, hear! And it is great to note that a few of the "benighted yoof" in the current pop scene have taken note of our tastes... Jx
DeleteOh, I really quite like The Weeknd track - definite 80s influences, with some more modern electronica that I enjoy. Now, I wonder if I dare watch the official video...?
ReplyDeleteThe other two are toe-tappers, but I'd rather play The Weeknd for a fourth time than replay them.
Good finds - thanks, Jon!
It is the cream of the crop, indeed! Treat the video with caution - you know how sensitive you are, dear :-)
* from fainting chaise *
DeleteOh! She was a bit handy with an ax, wasn't she?!
I suspected that she might end up dancing with him - but rather *all* of him.
* faints, as is right and proper for a lady of my delicate sensibilities *
I did warn you. It's just like all those Hammer films with Caroline Munro, Jenny Hanley and and Yutte Stensgaard getting bitten by Chritopher Lee - you'll be up all night now, wanting Ovaltine. Jx