Saturday 4 April 2020


We Brits have the perfect answer to how we deal with this bally virus-thingy!

What do we do...?


[Thanks, Crog, for this one]


  1. I am an expert - even in the best of times!

    1. We're practising it as we speak... Jx

  2. Mitch Benn deserves national treasure status in my view for Proud of the BBC. This is a classic too

  3. Newsround, Newsnight, i player, websi
    Toni Arthur, Brian Cant
    Spooks and Adam Adamant
    Blue Peter, Sherlock
    News at Six O'clock
    Live Aid, Likely Lads
    Michael Palin, no ads

    1. No ads. The most important! Jx

    2. You're probably right, ITV and Channel Four have had a catastrophic decline in the past twenty odd years - I don't know if there are many organisations making quality content funded by advertising these days. There is great stuff on YouTube but it's in between so much poisonous crap

    3. Channel 4 is the absolute worst - it began with such high-minded arty, educational and embracing programming. Now it's the televisual equivalent of The Daily Star. Jx

  4. To be honest I haven't watched a lot of Channel Four in ages, though I think it's important people realise it is a public service broadcaster (it is, the fact it's currently not a very good one doesn't change the fact. A library that only has Katie Price books in is still a library, just a library in need of a massive change of management.)

    I think that recent events have brought it home to people that not everything can be run to make a profit, and that public service is essential. The applause for NHS workers has been heartening, whether this appreciation last I don't know.)

    ITV's decline has been much sadder. Even when I was a kid there were a lot of good plays on, and drama series about things other than murder. I don't know why it is only able to employ one comedian at a time (RIP TV Burp.)


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