Saturday 27 June 2020

It's Gay Xmas...

...and I still can't decide which "look" to go for!

Yes, I know the whole bloody shebang is cancelled, but a girl can dream. It's probably just as well we're not all congregating in the centre of town, dressed to the nines (pandemic or no pandemic), as after a week of searing temperatures, it's pissing down out there.

Our gang is congregating much more safely and comfortably via Zoom this evening, so to get us in the mood, a few of our anthems to remind us of what we're missing, methinks.

It's traditional:

It's - erm...

It's a classic:


Enjoy - whatever you do and however you do it...


  1. I'm rather partial to the blue animal print outfits, myself - especially the top one (although it does have a Disney Villain vibe to it...).

    I'd never heard of Modern Rocketry before but they sound like early Erasure, which is good.

    Happy Gay Xmas, Jon x

    1. Erasure could only aspire to being THAT gay :-)


      PS "Disney Villainess" is definitely my favourite look...

  2. I was thinking about you, knowing how you love the celebration. I'm sorry you'll be missing out on all the hoohah, but I'm sure you'll be a party to envy.

    And oh my, those tubby, out of step choreographed queens in the Boston Chorus. God love them all.

    1. At least they tried... Besides, they, rather than pics #1 and #6 above, are more often than not the majority at any Pride event. Jx

      PS Happy Xmas!

  3. So long as you wear a hat, crown, or tiara, then all will be well.

    1. I am currently looking at the five hat boxes we got down from the tops of the wardrobes for the Zoom party last night...

      A good time was indeed had by all! Jx

  4. the "judge" magazine cover screams your name!

  5. Replies
    1. If only we had the opportunity to wear any of the "looks" at the moment... Jx


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