Tuesday 18 August 2020

Hollywood Dames

We have not one, but two centenaries to celebrate, dear reader...

"I've always been a tough Irish lass."

[When asked what her most marked characteristic was]: "The hell and fire in me! They came as a set."

...the much-missed Miss Maureen O'Hara yesterday...

[More here]

"I have bursts of being a lady, but it doesn't last long."

"I hate to tell you how old I am, but I reached the age of consent 75,000 consents ago."

...and the faboo Miss Shelley Winters today!

[More here]

They just don't make 'em like that any more!


  1. I’ll always remember Shelley Winters for The Poseidon Adventure!

    1. I'll always remember Shelley Winters in The Poseidon Adventure, as done by Bette Midler! Jx

  2. I only know her as Charlotte Haze aka lolita's mum. She was brilliant in that.

    1. Never seen the film. The concept alone is too pervy. Jx

    2. I can see where you're coming from... have you read the book? It's really not a pro paedophile book at all, it really is about a man destroying a young girl, and lengthily self justifying about it. Unfortunately people do fail to get these things, and read it as being romantic and sexy.... a bit like how some people watch Til Death Do Us Part and think you're meant to sympathise with Alf Garnett.

      No I don't blame anyone for not wanting to read Lolita or watch the Stanley Kubrick movie but they are both great.

      The remake is piss.


  3. I loved 'The Quiet Man' (1952) even though it had John Wayne in it.
    Shelley Winters was actually a very good actress. She was outstanding in 'A Place in the Sun' (1951) along side Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift

    1. I've not seen either film, but I admire both ladies' acting skills. Jx


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