Monday 17 August 2020

In elke discotheek of zaal

Aaaaaaargh! What's that noise?

Shit. It's the alarm going off. The fortnight's fabulosity is over, and it's time to dig that bloody work laptop out again...

In my mind, I am still completely in "Amsterdam mode" [is it too early for a fizzy lager and a FEBO?] - so, to that end, on this Tacky Music Monday let's have something (erm) fabulously Dutch to cheer us all up!

Not entirely sure that helped ease me into all of this, but wat er ook zal zijn, zal zijn.

Have a good week, dear reader.

I won't.


  1. No, this isn’t the greatest week is it. I have made an appointment with the dentist, I thought: if Jon can do it, then so can I!
    Have a fab week, despite everything.

    1. Yay! It won't be as bad as you expect, honest...


      PS It is a shit week being back in work. And it's only Tuesday.

  2. After we got back, I actually dreamt we were still in Amsterdam but we weren't.
    but wat er ook zal zijn, zal zijn.
    What ever that means.

    1. It means "Whatever will be, will be", or as we usually say it "Que sera, sera"... Jx


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[NB Bear with me if there is a delay - thanks to spammers I might need to approve comments]