Monday 27 December 2021

Wat de neuk?

Festering Season's over, and the "bit in the middle" begins... The weather's been shit for days, everyone's hungover, and the only good news is that Radio 2 will (hopefully) have filed away all that bloody seasonal rubbish on its playlist for another year.

We need a wake-up call, and on this Tacky Music Monday I have another slice of madness that should do the trick - from what looks for all the world like a Dutch porn star (all bulging trousers and OTT moustache), singing to some cheap-as-chips animated cows! Another day, another mindfuck...

You've definitely woken up now, haven't you, dear reader?! You're welcome.

Footnote: the full title of this song is Guus kom naar huis, want de koeien staan op springen, which literally translates as "Guus come home, because the cows are jumping". Told you the Dutch were an odd lot...


  1. What's sad is, Alexander reminds me a guy, could be his twin for all I know, I hooked up with when I came out. Not good looking, but I heard the rumors of him being hung and wanted to find out for myself. I didn't know rather to pet it, or feed it a peanut.

    Let's just say I had lock jaw for two days.

    1. In my decades of cross-sampling, I encountered more trouser-snakes that resembled a baby's arm grabbing an orange in Amsterdam than anywhere else. Is it any wonder it's been my favourite place to visit every year since 1991..?! Jx

  2. Hous hous - sounds a bit Scottish!
    Apologies, am feeling a bit too delicate for floating cows.

    1. Dutch and Scottish can sound very similar sometimes. The cows don't know any different, however. Jx


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