Monday 11 July 2022

Sing me, sing me a chanson

Our Tower Lily "On Stage" is perfuming the entire garden at the moment...

Whew! What a beautiful sunny weekend (for a change!). I was busy, busy, busy in the extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers - pruning the rambling rose, re-potting some specimens, and watering, soaking and feeding every single pot.

Consider my tan well-and-truly topped up.

Now, even though temperatures are due to hit 32C again today, it's time to get back to the grind. Unfortunately.

On this Tacky Music Monday, let's have a little Luv to cheer us up!

Have a good week, dear reader - and never forget your sunscreen!


  1. Gorgeous lily. Did we ever think this song and video were good?

    1. The Dutch did! Luv were mega successful over there. Says a lot about the Dutch, really. Jx

  2. That's a beaut. I've never had any luck growing lilies they always succumb to something. I was hoping to grow some Patchouli this year, something that would make the neighbours gag, I thought they were exotic lilies from the far East, imagine my disappointment when I discovered they're ratty looking plants belonging to the Mint family.

    1. Pachouli makes me gag, too. It was always the stuff Heavy Metal types used to polish their jackets. In my youth I used to accompany two "rock chick" friends of mine to a Heavy Metal Rock Night in a godforsaken hole called Cross Keys Miners' Institute, and that stench stuck with me for years... Jx

    2. Patchouli? Mitzi! I credited you with more class! Patchouli is what the hippies used to cover (ho-ho!) the scent of their wacky-baccy!

    3. I thought that was joss sticks (sandalwood)? Either way, I prefer the smell of marijuana. Jx

  3. What a gorgeous lily. And those girls could have stood a little more choreo practice, if they had any at all.

    1. We're very pleased with that lily - just a random purchase from hardware and household store Wilko that turned out to be a stunner.

      As for Luv - to quote Clive Anderson when interviewing Jeffrey Archer: " Is there no beginning to your talents?"... Jx

  4. Love the scent of lilies!
    Why does Luv's dance routine remind me of My Little Pony?
    Anyhow, have a good week, Jon!

    1. Lilies have a fantastic scent - one of the very best. We have grown many types - including Martagons, L. regale and several Tower Lilies (which have all died, unfortunately), and have L. orientale "Stargazer" and L. speciosum yet to come - and they are all a feast for the senses!

      Was that a "dance routine"? I wasn't quite sure. Jx

  5. Such a lovely pub song... I love a good pub song.

    1. Not sure what kind of pub you go to! My idea of a "pub song" is one by Chas'n'Dave... Jx


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