Monday, 17 April 2023

Where is the Man?

Sigh. Back to the office again.

After a busy yet rewarding eleven day break, I am once again unprepared for that bloody alarm going off!

Hey ho. It would have been the 90th birthday of the effervescent Jayne Mansfield this week - so what better way to provide a wake-up call on this Tacky Music Monday than the "First Lady of Va-va-voom" herself, singing in German?!


Jayne Mansfield (19th April 1933 - 29th June 1967)


  1. Jayne Mansfield, a woman of ... a couple of talents. Fluency in German not being one.

    1. Apparently she was a polyglot, and spoke several languages. In a "boop-boopy-doo" voice. Jx

  2. Such a dreadful end. But, damn! I know quite a few girls who modelled themselves on her.

    1. Heaven knows what she'd be like now, had she lived - Mamie Van Doren comes to mind. Jx

  3. Was she advertising cigarettes at the beginning of the clip? I wish I could speak a variety of languages in any kind of voice!

    1. Can you imagine having a packet of fags branded "Jayne Mansfield"?! I'd treasure them forever!

      As for languages, I'm crap at them, apart from English. And this week is lining up to be another horrid and tiring one. Sigh. Jx

  4. Hey, Mickey Hargitay was an Austrian. Maybe they did their billing and cooing in der deutsche Sprache. Yes I used Google Translate.

    1. Mr Hargitay was born in Hungary, actually, which means Jayne may have learned Magyar as well. Who knows? She probably would have made good use of Google Translate if it was around in the 1950s 😁. Jx

  5. A sort of an American version of Diana Dors.
    I wonder if she did anything in German ?

    1. Unlike Miss Mansfield, I somehow doubt Miss Dors was a polyglot, especially in German (growing up as she did while we were at war with them). In fact, according to Wikipedia (uncited, unfortunately) she was expelled from school for throwing a piece of chalk at her language teacher! Her ambition for fame was firmly pitched at America, not Europe, anyhow. Jx


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