Sunday 30 April 2023

Like a beat up, worn out toy

Happy (gulp) 70th birthday today to Merril Osmond [or is it Princess Beatrice; you never saw them in the same room...]!

I used to be a massive Osmonds fan when I was a kid, and in fact, Donny was my first crush - but it was Merrill who was the actual talent behind the group, as both lead singer on most of their songs, and writer of many of their biggest hits.

This wasn't one of them, but it does serve to demonstrate what a (much-overlooked) talented group of lads they really were!

Love it!


  1. I was never huge fans of the Osmonds...they were always considered "wholesome" here and so loved by the Welk crowd and the religious crowd. Sometimes one in the same. Heavens know why, most of those religious crowds frowned on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

    1. "Wholesome" has always been - for some reason - a beloved trait of (mainly hypocritical) US audiences: Doris Day, Olivia Newton-John, John Denver, Andy Williams, Debbie Gibson et al; even today with the likes of Taylor Swift. Over here, we had the likes of Cliff Richard and Val Doonican.

      You just know that each and every one of 'em was concealing a filthy secret.

      My best bet for the Osmonds is that they regularly had a "daisy chain" in their dressing-room 🤣. Jx

    2. ""daisy chain" in their dressing-room "? Well, that would explain some of those high notes they hit in a song.

  2. Never a big fan of the Osmonds, being a bit older than you it was always David Cassidy and the Partridge Family.
    Happy 70th birthday Princess Beatrice.

    1. I was a little kid, and like all little kids, you had to "take sides" - so it was either Donny or David. My sister liked David, so we used to fight over it.

      Oh, those childhood days. Jx

  3. Never knew the names of any of the Osmonds (and never cared to) except Donny and Marie... and that's only because they had that damned TV show.

    1. It was that show that turned me off Donny. All that cheesiness... Jx

  4. Oh gawd!
    "Paper woses." Coming off night shift...heading home in a bus along Park Lane and traffic was held up for nearly 20 minutes. 20 minutes on posh Park Lane in morning rush hour! Apparently, a horde of little girls had learned that the Osmonds were staying in a hotel there. 8 or 10 year olds!

    1. You just don't get "crazy fans block roads" headlines any more! That's probably because all the acts nowadays are so bland. Jx

  5. 70?!!! Nooo...
    Were Donny and Marie interchangeable?! I was looking at the video - that's Marie... isn't it?

    1. Like Michael and Janet/LaToya, they weren't really born, just cloned 😁. Jx


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