Sunday 26 November 2023

Can't do a little 'cause he can't do enough

Way back in 2009, I said:

H.R. Pufnstuf was an absolute obsession of mine when I was a child. From the same production house that brought us The Banana Splits, this was a strange (typically 60s, slightly druggy) fantasy about a boy (played by the late Jack Wilde, of Oliver fame), shipwrecked on a weird island with a talking flute named Freddy, a magic boat, the giant puppet dragon of the title, his friends Cling & Clang and Dr. Blinky, and a wicked witch named Witchiepoo (played by Billie Hayes) who rode on a Vroom Broom... Bizarre stuff, indeed.

For a wave of nostalgia, here's its theme tune:

...and that of the aforementioned Banana Splits:


The reason for this trip down memory lane? The sad news that the mastermind behind both shows (with his brother Sid*) Marty Krofft has departed for Fabulon, aged 89.

RIP, Marty Krofft (birth surname Yolas, 9th April 1937 – 25th November 2023)

[* NB Sid is still with us, aged 96]


  1. I had no idea these shows made it to England. I saw them sometimes with my brother. I can still sing the Banana Splits song.

    1. Oh, yes, indeed - we had a raft of "US classics" alongside home-grown shows when we were kids; as well as the above, we had: Tom & Jerry, Wacky Races, Flintstones, Top Cat [and all the Hanna-Barbera cartoons], Batman, Champion The Wonder Horse, Casey Jones and many, many more... Jx

  2. I used to watch all these too, LOVE THEM...but the flute always gave me the willies. Who would have thought what with its phallic shape.

    1. I can imagine the confusion with you between "blow" and "suck". Jx

  3. I remember other kids talking about H.R. Pufnstuf. I never saw it because we only got one channel on our black-and-white TV. My world view was rather limited.


    1. I think the reason we in the UK got flooded with such technicolour delights is because we only had colour television broadcasting from 1967, and the BBC didn't have much of a budget to make this type of show, so bought in the stuff that was available from the USA... Jx

  4. Replies
    1. Still love it! [The original, that is, not any newer remakes...] Jx

  5. I loved HR Pufnstuf and the Banana Splits too :-). You say "size of an elephant" to kids today, and they don't know what you're talking about ;-)))

    1. Until they go to McDonalds. Jx

      PS The catchphrases are all there, even after all the decades - "Uh-Oh, Chongo!", "Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay", "Double ooch!", "Hold the bus!" and so on...


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