Monday 6 November 2023

Ole! or Hoi!..?

Grrrr. Back to work. Already?!!!!

These ever-shortening days simply eat into our available time to do anything. [Of course, the fact I actually only woke up on Saturday at 2.30pm didn't help, but...]. A bit of a whirlwind sweep-up of wet leaves in the garden, a run around with the Hoover, some washing done, some houseplants re-acclimatised to being indoors again, and bam! Over. I didn't even leave the house, apart from popping to Tesco to buy fags...

Never mind, eh? Let's remind ourselves of happier times - like holidays!

How about something that combines - in the cheesiest way possible, of course - something from our two fave destinations, Amsterdam and Spain, in utterly insane "oompah" fashion? Ja, alstublieft!

Have a good week, dear reader.


  1. Cheesy, yes. Sorry about work. I’m having trouble facing the day and I don't even have to go to work.-

    1. Unfortunately, the Euromillions numbers didn't come up. Again! Jx

    2. I'm with Mitchell today, sweetpea! Not having a job anymore turns the week into a steady "what day is this?" conversation and one that's had more than once a day!! xoxo

    3. I feel like that some days, and I am still in work! Jx

  2. I Love this totally bonkers fusion of the Netherlands V Spain very jolly.
    Aparently it's a football wich is even more bonkers

    Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, Orange
    Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, Oranje

    This is the momento and the finalizado
    Dit is het momento en het finalizado

    No one can beat us, we are on top
    Niemand kan ons verslaan, wij staan bovenaan
    No one can beat us
    Niemand kan ons verslaan

    1. It is utterly mad - and we "sang along" with it at Café Montmartre in the 'Dam in August, without even realising it was a football song! Jx

  3. I am not doing well with all the rain and early darkness - and this is just the beginning!
    I type this as blazing sunshine streams through my window - but in 10 minutes time it could be pissing down again. Is it wrong to say that I'm fed up with rainbows?

    1. Ha! "Fed up with rainbows" is a good way of putting it...

      We had "four seasons in one day" over the weekend: warm sun, pissing rain, hurricane force winds, light drizzle - everything except snow!

      [Oh, no! I've tempted fate, haven't I?] Jx


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