Friday 19 July 2024

Happiness and loneliness

Hurrah! A weekend's in sight, and the sun is blazing out there. We have a quiet couple of days of pottering to look forward to (for a change), but there's always room for a party!

There was a bit of sad news earlier this week, as we heard that German DJ Thomas Brückner had departed for the rave tent at Fabulon [aged just 46] - but my, oh my! What a legacy he left behind with this banger - Thank Disco Tomcraft It's Friday!!

Have a great weekend, dear reader!


  1. And just in time. I have dinner with friends tonight...but this will be my last weekend to myself till mid September. Im relaxing and having a few cocks....err.I meant cock-a-tails. Our weather broke...and no heat...just sun, breezes and nice temps.

    Cheers darling!

    1. We have quite a few busy weekends coming up, too! The Mother is coming up "to approve the garden" next Saturday, then we have Hello Dolly with Dame Imelda Staunton the week after, and A Chorus Line at Sadlers Wells the weekend after that, and then it's Amsterdam!

      A few days off will be quite welcome, methinks. Jx

  2. He left behind a great body of work which shall never be off the turntables in one form or another.
    Love this track


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