Thursday 11 July 2024

Sans regrets, sans mélo'

Happy National Bandoneón Day! [If you happen to be Argentinian...]

Forgive the esoteric reference, dear reader - bandoneón is merely the local version of what we know as an accordion. Not normally an instrument of interest, given its corny association with buskers, fiddle bands and gypsies, nevertheless it has been a contributory factor to quite a few choons of which we are very fond.

Like these:

...and - I really cannot believe I have only ever featured this all-time house fave here at Dolores Delargo Towers once!

[Every time we have a house party, this one of the mainstays on the playlist - as our whole gang does (or attempts to) do all the dance moves along with those lovely Pierre et Gilles models...]

Squeeze that box, folks!


  1. Blimey - I wouldn't have noticed the accordion in any of these unless it was pointed out.
    I bet doing those dance moves is a bit of a giggle!

    1. I think Grace Jones' one is rather - ahem - prominent... Jx

  2. Why am I not in Argentina right now? I don't know how to play the accordion, but my skills in the thick, South American Flute, are flawless.

    1. I'm quite fond of playing a well-polished bassoon, as well! Jx

  3. I can hear - and see - why that Lamur one is a particular fave!

    1. The phrase "camp as tits" comes to mind - always a draw... Jx

  4. The accordion is an instrument that can bring joy as shown in your very clever selection.
    How ever in the wrong hands it can bring untold misery to millions.

    1. There are plenty of "wrong hands" among the buskers along the paseo in Benalmadena! Jx


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