Monday 29 July 2024

Wasn't it good? Wasn't he fine?

Mate! [click to embiggen]

Monday, Monday, Monday. Sigh...

On this Tacky Music Monday - spurred on mainly by the combination of the terrifying thought that Bjorn & Benny's post-ABBA magnum opus Chess (the concept album, released before the show was ever staged) is forty years old this year, AND the discovery of the bizarre and unexplained array of "naked chess pieces" in the photo at the head of this post...'s the ultimate in camp duets - with all its high hairdos, neon, dry ice and shoulder-pads - to serve as our wake-up call. All together, now!

Have a good week, dear reader.


  1. I took part in a live chess game once. Sorry, dear, I was NOT naked. Although, back then, I wasn't too hard on the eyes...

  2. At least their voices are as big as the hair and shoulder pads. If I had a chess set like that, I’d play all the time.

    1. Yes, the "mating" wouldn't get "stale"! Jx

  3. I remember having a blouse that I buttoned up to the collar and finished off with a diamanté brooch, just like Elaine. I was so stylish.
    What is that man doing with his bishop?

    1. I used to wear a diamante brooch at the neck in the 80s, as well - it was all the rage! Jx

      PS He's bashing it.

  4. Ohhhhhh yes naked chess games. I always seem to get knighted.

    1. There's me thinking "Queen" - moves in any direction, and can take everything in its way. Jx

  5. Black rook for me please you can actually see it. I've met Barbara Dickson a few times she used to frequent the same petrol station as I did, she drives a silver jag if you're interested. Nobody's Side is my favourite song on the album though I do ff the theatrical bit at the start and of course One Night in Bangkok.

    1. "Black rook", far left, did appear to forget to cover his bollocks when the picture was taken - all the better for us, I say!

      I was wary at first that you were going to tell us Barbara Dickson frequented the same dogging site, so it's all well and good you only said "petrol station"! Nobody's Side is the "most ABBA-esque" of all the songs in that LP/show, in my opinion. It's OK, but the duet above and One Night In Bangkok are still my faves. Jx

  6. love it and have seen it on stage 3 time

    1. I've never seen it, and we missed the 2018 Craig Revel Horwood limited run at the Coliseum altogether. Love the choons, though! Jx


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