Saturday, 15 March 2025


...The Idas of March!

[L-r: Ida Barr, Ida Lupino, Ida Clough]

"Infamy! Infamy! They've all got it in for me!"

Ides of March on Wikipedia

[In case you have a feeling of deja vu, dear reader, this has become a bit of a tradition - see here and here. Too good not to repeat, methinks...]


  1. How many Idas do you suppose Shakespeare knew to make such a bold statement?

    1. I imagine whoever that Ida my have been, she was formidable 🤣. Jx

  2. A beauty between to battle axes.

  3. What fine batch of Idas' that is too and lovely to see them all together; again.
    As adorable as Ida Lupino is, it's the 'battle axes' I love most.
    We just don't see enough of Ida Clough. She was more than a formidable character in 'Corry' back in the old days when I used to watch it.

    1. In Corrie, they apparently never really wrote her character out, but it was hinted she was dead. In real life, the actress who played her Helene Palmer sadly died back in 2011. Jx


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