Friday, 14 March 2025

Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air

A long, grey, chilly week shivers to its conclusion - and it's time to celebrate!

In fact, let's make it a double celebration, for yesterday was the 85th birthday of the simply faboo Miss Candi Staton, one of the last presiding "Queens of Disco" -

- and, indeed, of House!

Thank Disco Candi It's Friday - and have a great weekend, dear reader!


  1. Candi is dandi. Was there an English version of Soul Train or did you get the American show?

    1. Neither. We had Top of the Pops, which was not the same. I think our Channel 4 (which used to be the home of the more radical type of programming; not any more) may have shown re-runs of the US version "ironically", as part of its late-night offering, but I never saw it. Jx

  2. A good weekend to relax! I was going to attempt to cross the mountain pass to help my mom and stepdad, but a winter weather is blasting about to avoid such an endeavor. I can't say I'm sorry to get the weekend to relax instead. Will attempt to make the white-knuckled drive on Monday or Tuesday.

    1. I missed a word, a "winter weather advisory", yes, everyone who knew I was going to go texted me to wait.

    2. Sounds horrendous! Our weather at the mo is just "what Spring does" (ie "four seasons in one day") - just a bit colder because the wind's coming from Scandinavia rather than south or west like it was just last week. We rarely get such extremes as you seem to be getting. Jx


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