Monday, 24 March 2025

Glamour has to come from you

Dame Mary Berry is 90 today! *

Oh, how these weekends taunt us! The weather was glorious towards the end of last week, then descended to grey and murky all weekend. Now - as I head off for another sublimely fulfilling (ahem!) week in work - the forecast is for another upturn in temperatures. Sigh.

Hey, ho. Speaking of birthdays...

... today is also the 85th of that OTT creative genius Mr Bob Mackie, designer of choice for decades of ladies beloved of men-who-are-light-in-their-loafers including Mitzi Gaynor, Diana Ross, Bette Midler, Carol Burnett, Ann-Margret, and of course Cher!

"Glamour has to come from you and it has to come from confidence."

So what better way to kick off the week (in sparkling fashion as is our wont) on this Tacky Music Monday, than with Cher, Bette and Dame Elton John (and Flip Wilson), together, dressed in the most outrageous of Mr Mackie's creations?!

And here is a musical compendium of some of his famous costumes:

Robert Gordon "Bob" Mackie (born 24th March 1940)

[* and no, I don't think Dame Mary's ever worn a Bob Mackie creation!]


  1. Bob Mackie is so incredibly talented and has a brilliant sense of humor. The things he used to come up with for Carol Burnett!

    1. I've only ever seen YouTube clips of the Carol Burnett Show, as it was never broadcast over here, so I take your word for it. He's a fabulously imaginative couturier, whoever he designs for! Jx

  2. Yep, glorious here after an artic weekend. It's that time of year.
    90! Wow.

    1. "In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours." - Mark Twain

      Indeed. Jx

      PS Mary Berry's a trouper!

  3. Last season RuPaul had Bob Mackey on one episode and he was actually very hilarious.

    1. Has he dressed RuPaul as well?! I'm not surprised. Jx

  4. Replies
    1. There are distinct similarities... Jx


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