Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Perception-based incremental upshifts

A woman given a new role and job title is unsure whether she is being recognised for her outstanding work or treated like a prize twat.

Senior assistant accounts executive Joanna Kramer was advised on Friday that she was now accounts executive sub-team leader and spent the weekend celebrating by drinking the same amount of alcohol she usually would.

She said: “I assumed it was a promotion. It kind of had a promotion vibe, though looking back that may just have been the exhilaration of it being Friday afternoon.

“However, now I’m here, I’m at a different desk doing the same work with the same people for a package of what I now see are ‘comparative pay and bonuses’. Leaving me feeling uncomfortably like I’m the dickhead.

“I asked my boss if I’m just doing exactly the same job with a new name and she replied that my role now begins with account executive rather than ending with it, and perception-based incremental upshifts are very in right now.

“So either I’m climbing the corporate ladder rung-by-rung or I’m an easily placated knobhead stuck in a dead-end job. I don’t know whether to be elated or fucking livid.

“Either way I’m doing piss all work while I try to work it out.”

The Daily Mash

Of course.

[Oh, yes! Yet another "restructure/consultation" is hovering over all our heads in work. Deep joy. Again.]


  1. Employment is just an ongoing hostage situation.

    1. Ha! Love that. I may have it made into a badge for my next team meeting. Jx

  2. You remind me just how much I don't miss the corporate world, sweetpea! xoxo

    1. Oh, local government is so much more haphazard than the corporate world. There, they are beholden to the vagaries of shareholders and markets; councils are basically run by very precious amateurs reliant on the goodwill of central government and residents to fund some of their wilder political ideas. Meanwhile, their staff budgets are bagatelles to be played off against eachother when the shit hits the fan. This will be the fifth or sixth time I have been through this in the fifteen years I have been employed here.

      One day, my lottery numbers will come up and I can escape! Jx

    2. I forgot you were in government! I was a Legislative Deputy for an LA City Council member. The process could be at times Machiavellian,espeailly when it came to voting on measures that were specific to one district and not necessarily city-wide. Early in my career in city government, the chief of staff gave me a title boost, but without the pay raise attached.The office manager quickly corrected that in my favor! I can only imagine what it must be like not having someone who understands procedure and protocols!

    3. The people implementing cuts never understand what real people actually do, in my experience. Jx


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