Happy Saint Piran's Day, dear reader! "Saint Who?", I hear you ask...
Patron Saint of Pasties Cornwall - land of legends such as King Arthur and his court (supposed occupants of Tintagel Castle), "Jack the Giant Killer", piskies, mermaids, Tristan and Isolde, pirates and ghost ships - Piran was allegedly responsible for several miracles. Not only did he supposedly survive being tied to a millstone by the Irish and cast into the sea, but also "discovered tin" [the county's greatest export during the boom years of the Industrial Revolution], when a stone on his fire leaked a white liquid in the shape of a cross. Of course.
Leaving all that stuff aside, among Cornwall's "great and good", including Richard Trevithick (inventor of the world's first working railway steam locomotive), Daphne du Maurier (author of the books behind films such as Rebecca, Jamaica Inn, The Birds and Don't Look Now), Susan Penhaligon, Rory McGrath, Winston Graham (author of Poldark), Kristin Scott Thomas, Humphry Davy (inventor of the mining safety "Davy Lamp") and Richard D James (aka Aphex Twin)...
... there is (surprisingly) one Michael John Kells "Mick" Fleetwood - co-founder of Fleetwood Mac! By way of a celebration, of all that legendary band's repertoire [I like a lot of their stuff, needless to say, but they have never been top of my list, to be honest - I must be just about the only person of a certain generation who has never had Rumours in their collection], this is my ultimate fave:
[" tiddy oggy" = a type of pasty from Cornwall]
This was an education for me. I love Tusk. Fun video.