Monday, 10 March 2025

Waiters?* In those outfits?

Back to the grind again...

Never mind, eh? As long as we have our Patron Saint of "if a thing's worth doing, it's worth over-doing" Señorita Sara Montiel - whose birthday it would have been today - and her "homosexuales seguridad" on a Tacky Music Monday, all's well with the world...

Have a good week, dear reader.

[* "Las Camareras" - "waiters" in Spanish]


  1. Have a great week, Jon, may the weekend be upon you on a turn of a sixpence.

    1. That would be nice, but somehow I doubt it... Jx

  2. I want a safety gay costume. Or maybe the camarera’s. No, I’d have to shave. Theirs.


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