Saturday, 1 March 2025

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus!

Our daffs have been glowing in the sunshine today!

Happy Saint David's Day, dear reader!

It's been a beautiful day for the celebration of all things Welsh - and floral - and I have spent it fruitfully in the extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers. I've dug out and repotted a big Thalictrum and two hardy geraniums, pruned back a few more ferns, and redone the window box that had been ripped out and scattered everywhere by a bastard fox, pottering and tidying as I went along. Now I'm aching - but happy.

Speaking of things to cheer one's spirits - how about a bit [and I know which bit I'd have liked when he still looked like that!] of Sir Tom Jones, Tom Jones? Os gwelwch yn dda!


Speaking of all things Welsh - "What's occurring?"

Well lush.


  1. I love those daffs! I wonder if I’ll be able to find any at a local florists. DyaknowhatImean?

  2. It warm and sunny here too, but were at least over a month till any bulbs flower.

    1. Gosh. Even snowdrops? Our first sign of Spring; they start blooming in early January... Jx


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