Monday, 17 March 2025


Happy Paddy's Day to all our Irish chums!

It is, however, also return-to-work day, so none of "the black stuff" nor "the amber nectar" for us, more's the pity...

Ah, well - on this Tacky Music Monday, I have a perfect antidote to all that gloom. Ireland's finest "crazy chicken twins" Jedward!

[Yes, I would. Both at the same time.]

Have a good week, dear reader - and:

“May your glass be ever full. May the roof over your head be always strong. And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you’re dead.”


  1. I like the song and video. Quite different from their first appearance on X Factor. Are they now this good or is it Auto-Tune?

    1. I had no idea they had even been on X-Factor, since I never watch it. This song was the first one they took to the Eurovision Song Contest back in 2011 (they were in it again the following year), but they disappeared soon afterwards - I don't even know if they're still making music. I do know that they've made shedloads of money basically taking the piss out of themselves, with a succession of Irish TV shows, and (bizarrely) recurring appearances in the Sharknado films... Jx


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