Monday, 3 March 2025

Oh, don't throw your past away, you might need it some rainy day

The Spring sun, low in the sky, is indeed startling on the eyes. However, the joy it brings is somewhat marred by the prospect that another week of drudgery in the office has begun.

Hey ho. On this Tacky Music Monday, for no other reason whatosever than it/he's a joy to watch, how about a bit of Hugh Jackman to warm the cockles?


Oh, how I wish we'd ever had the chance to see this show!

Have a good week, dear reader.


  1. Loved this show... I wish it would be revived...but who would play the role now?

    1. Charlie Stemp? Jonathan Bailey? Neil Patrick Harris? It would take a real presence to take on that role. Jx

  2. Sigh... Hugh Jackman! Hope Monday is better than expected.


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