Sunday 13 September 2020

Arachnophobia and Fog

The extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers resemble "The Planet of the Spiders" at this time of year...

For once, the Met Office forecast was right - it's been beautiful, sunny and warm here today. I have been making the most of the sultry weather potting up some foxgloves and Dutch irises ready for next year's display, and generally basking in the glow of the ever-declining sun upon the lovely salvias, dahlias and agastache that are at their very best at the moment.

To maintain that laid-back Sunday feeling - how about some "Sunday music" from the man they called "The Velvet Fog", Mr Mel Tormé (who would have been 95 today)..?


[Interesting fact: spiders could theoretically eat every human on Earth in one year.]


  1. spiders make such interesting "dreamcatchers". and mel torme - what a voice he had!

    1. I am forever fascinated by spiders - they spin those webs every single day of their short lives, and move the location as they spot an opportunity. This one's waiting for all the insects attracted by the agastache, and further up the garden, one draped itself right across a hardy fuchsia and has been feasting on the poor bees... Jx

  2. Flipping well raining here! Gorgeous Sunday and Monday though.
    Yep, that tune is cool!

    1. It's still heavenly here - and Mel Tormé makes a great soundtrack for sitting in the garden! Jx

  3. That's a huge - and quite stunning - web!
    Not as big as the web that that 25 million ton combined-spider will make to catch all us pesky humans, though.

    1. That's just one of dozens of webs of similarly impressive scale! I'm amazed they haven't started to catch birds yet, by way of a rehearsal for the "hominid catch". Of course, some of the ones in Dinahmow's garden in OZ are probably onto seagulls by now... Jx

  4. Mel Tormé, perfect Sunday in the garden music.
    Love his voice

    1. He was unique - many have tried, but no-one could do what he could. Jx


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