Sunday 6 September 2020

Here we are now, entertain us

Our latest houseboy is a joy on washday...

The weather refuses to warm up - despite occasional sunny moments out there, it still isn't pleasant enough to sit out in the extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers. Pah.

To make up for it, let's watch another energetic thrashing session from our favourite hunky Croatians, shall we?

That woke us all up!


  1. I might watch that again, it has made me go a bit silly.

  2. Ohhhhh... Red Shirt (Stjepan?) can pound his cello at me any time he likes!

    What's with the audience though? Apart from a small boy (and a handful of others), they're all motionless - how could they not be jumping & crashing about, and flinging themselves all over the place to that (like I used to at college parties)?

    P.S. Is the washing machine saving the pants for dessert?

    1. Me too! Sweat drips and all.

      Heaven only knows what's occurring with that Croatian audience - it's the boys' "home crowd" too, so you'd think they'd be going wild...


      PS No, I'm having those pants for my dessert, thank you very much!

  3. Love this - and the red shirt too.


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