Friday 19 March 2021

A place worth living in

We're almost there, dear reader. Almost the weekend - and it's the equinox tomorrow; the "First Day of Spring"! True to form, it's gloriously sunny out there at the moment while I am working, yet the forecast for Saturday and Sunday is grey and miserable. Sigh.

No matter what, we're never going to turn down an excuse for a party!

It happened to be the 60th birthday of the arch-eccentric Alexander Bard on Thursday - the genius behind "house fave" bands Army of Lovers, Bodies Without Organs (BWO), Gravitonas, and...

Alcazar! I can't think of any better way to start the celebrations that with this bizarre "mash-up" (of sorts) between Diana Ross and - erm - Genesis, and Thank Disco It's Friday!

Have a great Spring weekend, dear reader!


  1. Replies
    1. I'd never be able to dance to Alcazar in those! Jx

  2. Love the slingbacks, you never find the likes of them on display in Dolcis.

  3. Hooray! The weekend! And I've got the next week off work, to boot. Or dangerously high stiletto, should I say...

    Ah, Alcazar... I really liked their first album, but went off them a bit when the blond guy joined them for the second one.

    1. A week off - how fab!

      The blond one only joined Alcazar because he was the shag (probably shag-ee) of the handsome dark-haired lead singer. They're still around, and on tour again at the end of this year; only three of them, mind you - the blond got dropped, it seems, when he outlived his "usefulness".


  4. They are joyous with or with out the blonde.


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