Thursday 18 March 2021

Remember commuting?

It's a year to the day since I last travelled to the office...


  1. She's right. I adore Marie Dressier.

    Just saw the movie of her and Jean Harlow in Dinner at Eight. Harlow, who was a floozie and saying she just read a book, where it said machinery was going to replace every profession. Marie's gives her the up and down and relies "Oh dear, that's something you'll never have to worry about."

    1. Pure comedy gold, those two together! Jx

  2. Marie Dressler, a fellow Canuck.

    February 2020. My last bus trip. I miss nothing about public transportation.

    1. According to IMDB: "Of the first four Academy Awards for Best Actress, after Janet Gaynor, the following three consecutive winners were all Canadian-born Americans: Mary Pickford, Norma Shearer and Marie Dressler. No Canadian-born actress has won an Oscar as Best Actress since Dressler."

      As for public transport - it may be shit, but hell! I miss the freedom of being able to go anywhere, any time, night or day; and to have choices as to where I want to be...


  3. Well dear, seems you haven't lost your touch for accessorization.

    1. A large fur wrap and hatpins are essential for battling one's way through crowds, I find. Jx

  4. Brilliant, wasn't she?
    I recall a friend, strap-hanging on a crowded train with a chap next to her excavating his nostril.As the tube rattled around a bend her elbow accidentally (?) bumped his picking arm.

    1. I doubt even with his finger bumped into his cranium, he would have found a brain. Why are people so utterly dreadful in public these days? Brushing on face power, eating stinky crap food, drinking vile concoctions like Red Bull or Yakult, or (worst of all) clipping their nails! I despair.

      "Whatever happened to class?
      Now, no one even says "oops" when they're
      Passing their gas."

      Indeed. Jx

  5. Hate to say it, but I think it's going to go on a wee bit longer.
    Crikey, how I loathe public transport.

    1. I'm fully expecting to be still at this desk in the living room in June - but by then hopefully I will have had jab #2 so I may venture into the office just to scare the crap out of the Facilities team!

      Having lived in London for almost a quarter of a century, I am used to it. It might be dirty and smelly, and full of dirty and smelly people, but it can get you from North London to the West End in under 20 minutes and to South West London (to visit Kew Gardens) in about 45 minutes - and from A to B all night - so I am not complaining. When I was in Wales, the bus service was sparse (to say the least) and no buses ran after 10.30pm, and when I lived in Plymouth I found buses (and even taxis) damned expensive in comparison to the capitol... Jx


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