Tuesday 16 March 2021

I feel so gay, in a melancholy way

The Year of the Mask. The year of "You're on mute!". The year of paranoia - that feeling that everyone is a plague-carrier. The year we were forced to believe that our own four walls were the only world, other than the garden.

A year ago yesterday, we went to our last live music concert...

...and by way of a celebration of that milestone, here is the very lady we went to see at the Cadogan Hall - Miss Clare Teal!
[A mere three days after that faboo evening, I was sent home from work and I have not been back to the office since.]

Looking out of the window at the daffs and the pansies and primroses and hyacinths, and despite the slight chill in the air, Spring is definitely here [and indeed, the Spring Equinox is on Saturday]!

Things are looking up, dear reader...

They have to.


  1. A year already....and I still am not back to work.but my freelance is picking up.

    Now ugly people with nice eyes and a mask. This was there time....what ever you they do when things return?

    1. Some people should wear a mask for the rest of their lives in my opinion! Jx

  2. It's been a long year.
    Roll on the clocks going forward!

    1. That's the weekend after next - longer evenings are beckoning! Now if only the weather would warm up a bit...

      As I recall, March and April last year were glorious! Jx

  3. What a fabulous array of masks. It makes me wish I'd made more effort on the odd occasions when I have ventured into a shop or suchlike. Still, if the news that vaccinations may be delayed somewhat is correct, then I should still have plenty of time to come up with something like that first one!

    P.S. Yes, it's lovely seeing the daffs and other bulbs in flower. But it is still. Too. Cold! Brrrrr...

    1. You could combine the need for warmth with the need for protection with mask #4! All those lovely insulating feathers... Jx

  4. It was a fab concert.
    Hopefully it won't be another year before our next.


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