Monday 4 December 2023


The freezing cold snap at the end of last week broke overnight on Saturday - and now we have full-on murky, drizzly and depressing weather in prospect. Deep joy.

The latest in a long line of gay icons from the "land of kitsch" Spain, Señorita Concha Velasco shook her tail-feathers for the very last time on Saturday and departed for the Fabulon Palace of Varieties.

On this Tacky Music Monday, let's revisit some of her most OTT moments, by way of a tribute - and a wake-up call!


Have a good week, dear reader.


  1. Those videos helped soften the blow. The only plus here is we are now back into the 50-60's degree again, with part sun. The poor pansies were all but flatten last week and wilted...but now are bushing out and getting buds again?!?!?! Is it any wonder we are all confused?

    1. Those are just two of the numerous weird and wonderful performances to which Señorita Velasco contributed - I'm still on the hunt for a decent quality vid of her and Raffaella Carra on stage...

      The weather is a tad confusing at the moment, but one thing we do know is that pansies will survive absolutely anything! We have some that were in with a load of tulips - so they survived last winter's deep freeze, all and anything this summer had to throw at them, and they look like they're going to flower again! Jx

  2. I like the outfits!

    When I was seventeen I had the crazy notion to run off to LA, but not to be an actor. I wanted to get in as an apprentice costume designer or set designer. Maybe occasional on screen moments if I can be a random extra in the back. I did theater and choir in H.S. but I don't have "Leading Lady energy" and I'm okay with that. There's value in helping others be marvelous and less work on my part.

    1. Imagine the work you'd have now as a frock designer - with all that Drag Race nonsense?! Jx

  3. I was mesmerized by her crotch in the second video. The reflections made it look like she was packing. (Sorry.)

  4. Swan lake on acid and in Spanish!
    Love her green cape and hat in the first one. I want it for the Eurovision party then I could come as Portugal.
    Adorable and adored and another great loss to the world of Camp.

    1. You'll need start practising your guitarra portuguesa de fado!

      And shave your legs. Jx


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